Date of acquaintance, without charge,
LitterBox Cleaning Services
Need help for the cleaning of your litterboxes? Get rid of this difficult but necessary process and reduce the workload, making your kitty happy. We are at your disposal for cleaning, disinfecting your litterboxes and litter delivery.
As guardians of 7 cats, we know that cats need and love clean litterboxes. Most of the time, even before we have finished scooping the litter, our cats have already formed a line next to the boxes attempting to get in even before we put the lid back on.
Let's face it though, that scooping the litterbox isn't just a chore, since it's very important for your cat. So, are you fed up with litter and poop scooping? is here to assist.
This Service is Ideal
- Pregnant women, due to the small risk of toxoplasmosis
- During your absence
- Guardians with a suppressed immune system
- In cases of guardian's physical injury
- Guardians with limited mobility
- When you don't have time for it
- When you just need a break!
Litterbox Cleaning and Disinfection Packages
- Litterbox scooping and renewal.
- Litterbox spot-cleaning where is necessary.
- Sweep of the area around the litterboxes.
*Ideal for every day or for two to three times a week.
- Litter disposal and complete renewal.
- Litterbox deep wash.
- Vacuum cleaning the area around the litterboxes.
*Ideal for every one or two months.
- Litter disposal and complete renewal.
- Litterbox scrubbing and disinfection with deep enzyme cleaners.
- Vacuum cleaning the area and mopping.
*Ideal for two, to three times a year.