Pet Services

Privacy Policy


With the acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use of the web site and the Privacy Policy (Privacy) during registration, you express your consent for the use and disposal of your personal information from the in the manner described below in this Privacy Policy (Privacy). respects the right to privacy. This policy refers to a summary of personal information which we can collect and the ways in which these could be used. expressly declares that the personal data of account holders are used solely to accommodate the needs of the account holder.

Under no reason not be transferred, disclosed or sold to third parties. 

Keeping a record of Personal Data

During your visit in and your register on our services, you will be prompted to fill in your information (name, email address,etc.), in order to activate the selected services and your account, but also to ensure a way to communicate with you, so that we can inform you about new products and services.

Use of your Personal Data

The personal data you provide to, Name – Address – Phone – E-mail, is used exclusively for legitimacy of registration and use.

The Account Holder (user) has, within the framework of the law on privacy, is added under articles 11 to 13 of the Law 2472/1997 for personal data. Data files shall be notified to the competent judicial, police and other administrative authorities if required by Law, and only on the order of a court order or legal request in accordance with the existing legal provisions.

Use Of Session Cookies

Our online store uses EXCLUSIVELY session cookies for the registered user, so you don't need to be prompted for password (password) to all the pages that include transaction data.

These are erased immediately after leaving the site or within 20λέπτου without any activity from the side of the user.

Services Update

At times we will provide you with information about other services of the PetServices.en in which you can sign up for and use.

Also we will offer you the opportunity to participate in surveys that will be conducted by the, which will aim to examine the effectiveness and impact of services.

Users Under 18

For users under the age of 18 years shall be considered given the prior consent of their parents/ guardians, but in no case it is not allowed to Record or even perform online transaction. is not available for purchases of services by non-adults.

If you are under 18 years old, you can use the only while supervised by a parent or a guardian.

In the event that it becomes evident to you that a person related to you (or not), under the age of 18 please directly contact in order to proceed to the immediate deletion of data.

Safety Data ensures the protection of users data from being used by unauthorized agents or Robotic Mechanisms.

Support Privacy Policy reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at its discretion, and whenever necessary or required by law or legal or political surveys, to respond to changes in the applicable legislation on personal data protection and privacy.

Any changes will be communicated immediately via these pages of the website.

Notification Of Changes

Any changes to this Privacy Policy are sent every time a change to know how to use the information and data you have entered in the account.

If you are going to use your personal identification information, in a different way we'll notify you via e-mail. Will you always have the option to object if you do not agree..