Date of acquaintance, without charge,
Dog Sitting - Home care for your dog
In Dog Sitting services, the cost is for one hour visit. The visits are as often as you wish and make you feel comfortable for your puppy.
Food and water supply
A hydrated and fed dog, is always happy!
To remain happy, relaxed and in shape!
For basic needs, fresh air and socialization!
So that your dog doesn't feel alone in your absence.
We go beyond the basics by adding all the following
Acquaintance meeting
Our first visit is free of charge and has no binding character.
Security camera
We provide you with security cameras to monitor your premises during the duration of your trip.
Predetermined time of visit
In case someone else can provide us with access to the house, for even greater security.
GPS Tracking
You can watch on your smartphone the path we took, while walking your dog.
Video call
During our visit, we will make video calls, so you can feel close to your favorite dog again.
We will discuss in detail your needs and your concerns, and we'll create a schedule that will make you feel safe.
Residence check
We inform you for any emergency that might happen at your place (water leakage etc.).
Our daily visits to your place, prevent the impression of an empty residence that is usually an easy target.
Watering plants
Along with your dog, we'll take care of any plants or flowers at your residence.
Peace of mind
Knowing that your dog is safe in your absence.
Dog Sitting - Home care for your dog
Στην υπηρεσία Dog Sitting (επίσκεψη στον χώρο σας κατά την απουσία σας), το κόστος είναι ανά επίσκεψη, διάρκειας μίας ώρας και οι επισκέψεις είναι όσο συχνά το επιθυμείτε εσείς, δύο ή τρείς φορές την ημέρα ή ότι σας εξυπηρετεί και σας κάνει να νιώθετε άνετα για το σκυλάκι σας.
- Food supply: A little dog hydrated and well-fed are always more happy!
- Game: To remain happy, relaxed and in shape!
- Ride : For basic needs, fresh air and socialization!
- Company: So that your dog doesn't feel alone in your absence.
We go beyond the basics by adding all the following
- Date of acquaintance: Our first visit is free of charge and has no binding character.
- Security camera*: We provide you with security cameras to monitor your premises while you are away.
- Predetermined time of visit: Possibility of fixed-hour visit, so a friendly face to provide us with access to your home.
- Recording your ride via GPS: You can watch on your smartphone the path we took, while walking your dog.
- Video call: During our visit, we will make video calls, so you can feel close to your favorite dog again.
- Confidence: Communication and meeting close to get to know each other and to discuss your needs.
- Control of the house: We inform you for any emergency that might happen at your place (water leakage etc.).
- Safety: Our daily visits to your place, prevent the impression of an empty residence that is usually an easy target.
- Watering plants: Along with your dog, we'll take care of any plants or flowers at your residence.
- Serenity: Knowing that your dog is safe in your absence.
Acquaintance Appointment
A necessary precondition for new customers is the acquaintance with the Dog Sitter in your area, where we will meet upclose, discuss your needs and concerns and we will get a first contact with your pets. In this way, you will be given the opportunity to have a preview of our services, so you can decide, whether we are the ideal caregivers for your puppy during your absense.
Our first visit is free of charge and has no binding character.
Acquaintance Appointment
A necessary precondition for new customers is the acquaintance with the Dog Sitter in your area, where we will meet upclose, discuss your needs and concerns and we will get a first contact with your pets. In this way, you will be given the opportunity to have a preview of our services, so you can decide, whether we are the ideal caregivers for your puppy during your absense.
Η επίσκεψη στον χώρο σας θα είναι χωρίς χρέωση και δεν έχει κανένα δεσμευτικό χαρακτήρα.
Our first walk
In our first walk, we go with your dog for a walk to indicate us the path you usually take, as well as its needs and preferences. We will discuss your expectations and your concerns, and you will be given the opportunity to see us in action, so you can decide if we are ideal for you and your dog.
Our first walk is free of charge and has no binding character.
Our first walk
Στην πρώτη μας free of charge επίσκεψη, πάμε μαζί το σκυλάκο σας βόλτα, για να μας υποδείξετε τη διαδρομή, τις ανάγκες και τις προτιμήσεις του. Θα συζητήσουμε μαζί τις προσδοκίες και τις ανησυχίες σας και με αυτόν τον τρόπο θα σας δοθεί η ευκαιρία να έχετε μια πλήρη εικόνα για εμάς, ώστε να μπορέσετε να αποφασίσετε εάν είμαστε ιδανικοί για το σκυλάκο σας.
Call Us Now at +30 697 3345955
Puppies Park Escort
We accompany your dog into a Puppies Park of your choice. A pefrect place for socializing, exercising, bathing and training for any dog. In specially designed parks, puppies and adult dogs can safely play, swim, exercise and make new friends, all under our own supervision and the park's experienced staff. The most fun ride, even when you don't have time!