Pet Services

Important steps that will help you to facilitate the introduction, in order to create a suitable and safe environment, for these seemingly incompatible animals.

There are some dogs that enjoy living with cats but this is not always the case. Sometimes, a dog can live only with certain cats, depending on their age, character and energy level. Even if your dog has lived successfully with cats in the past, that does not necessarily mean that it will happen again without proper preparations.

Despite the stereotype that prevails, many dogs and cats can learn to live together in peace. You need to be patient and make the introduction process slowly. Truth is, their personality will determine, if they will get along with each other. Follow these steps to maximize your chances of success.


Make sure that the cat has access, at any time, to place that the dog cannot enter. That place may be of any size but it must have a secure door and a roof.

It must include a litter tray, water and food bowl, toys and a scratching post. Make sure that you secure the area for cats, by removing any poisonous plants, drugs, fragile and sharp objects. You can also create some hiding places or tunnels to help it feel safer.

Be ready to manage their interactions for the next few weeks, if not more. Ideally, your living space should have multiple high places, such as shelves or furniture, which will allow your cat to escape easily from the dog if necessary.


When you introduce your dog to a cat, pay attention to the body language of both animals. If the cat's ears are glued to the back or its tail is constantly moving , it's an indication that it's quite displeased or upset. It is good to know the body language of animals, which may be potential warning signs. If your dog has strong urges to hunt (a tendency to seek, hunt, and capture prey animals, such as cats or rabbits), it may overfocus on the cat. It may lock on it and start barking or whining. If you see these signs, do not let it near the cat. Ideally, the body language you want to see, is calm and relaxed near the cat. It's okay if it observes the cat but you don't want to see it peering over.

All animals are unique, don't assume that they will go well together since, it usually depends on their age, character and energy levels.
In many cases, dogs are afraid of cats, despite the usual size difference.

In addition, the interaction of a dog with a cat can be changed depending on the environment. If your dog is okay with the cat indoors, that does not mean it will follow the same behavior outdoors. It can focus on the cat and start chasing it when they meet outside. It is necessary to observe their body language, in every new situation, until you are sure that both sides show no signs of aggression.

There are several ways to introduce a cat to a dog. Even if both animals had previous experiences in the past, proceed carefully during the introduction. It is best to have two people present, one for each animal. If you have more than one dog, introduce each dog separately to the cat.

ΠΡΩΤΗ ΜΕΘΟΔΟΣ : Αργη και σταδιακη εξοικειωση

Seek the advice of your veterinarian or an animal trainer if one of the animals has special needs or health issues before you start the introduction of a new pet.

If your dog is very fixed on the cat, you can try the desensitizating it. Reducing the reaction of your dog on the cat gradually by increasing its exposure to the cat. Put the cat in a room (e.x. a bedroom, a bathroom, or a spare room) with a tall pet(baby)-gate as a seperator. The room you choose should be a room in which the dog can't access and don't need to access it. For example, if the dog sleeps in the bedroom with you at night, don't choose this room for the cat. The idea is to split them and to allow them to see each other only at specific times.

Equip the chosen cat room, with all the necessary supplies, like, litter box, toys, food, water and a scratching post. Keep in mind that cats are remarkably capable of escaping through narrow passages as well as excellent climbers and jumpers. Therefore, make sure that your cat can't get through the installed gate. The gate must be a barrier that allows the cat and the dog to see each other, without having physical access.

In order to begin desensitization, let the dog see the cat for a while through the gate, and then swift the dog's focus on something else, like a game or execute some verbal commands. Sometimes it helps to keep it on a leash so you can turn it away from the cat when you try to refocus its attention. Commend and reward the dog when it focuses on something else than the cat. Continue the process several times through the day.

Sometimes, the sight of a cat is very exciting for a dog. If this is the case, close the door and start to feed each animal on each side of it: The cat in its room, right next to the door, and the dog on the other side of the door. This allows them to get used of each others scent and associate it with something good, food! You can also swap the blankets and bedding of each animal, giving it to the other. This way, the dog can get used to the smell of the cat and the cat can get used to the smell of the dog, without over-stimulating either of them.

Allowing slowly, the dog to see the cat and to get used of its presence, will desensitize and make it lose much interest for the cat. In some cases, that may accur within a few hours, but in other cases that could take days, weeks or even months. Each animal is unique and learns at its own pace.

However, it is possible your dog may never be able to share a space with a cat. If you feel that you can't trust your dog with your cat, you'll need to keep them separate. Many dogs can injure or kill a cat very quickly, while as easily, a dog can be injured by a cat. Your first priority should be to ensure that everyone is kept safe.

The first few days you should be very cautious and don't allow the dog to get into the cat's room, at all.

Δευτερη μεθοδοσ: ΑΜΕΣΗ ΓΝΩΡΙΜΙΑ

A trained dog that listens to basic commands, has more chances to succeed using this method.

This is a faster introduction method and is only recommended for animals that are already very social, with no aggressive tendencies. One person must keep the dog with loose leash and monitor its body language, while someone else needs to observe the cat's body language. If the cat isn't streching up its back, or shows signs of distress around the dog, then you may allow the dog to move more freely. A cat is rarely a threat to a dog but few cats are aggressive when they encounter dogs.

If the dog is calm around the cat, you can ask it to sit, or lie down and stay, if it listens to these commands, while the cat will freely circulate around it, sniffing each other if they wish. The dog should be praised and rewarded if it ignores the cat. If the dog is very fixed on the cat (e.x. locked on the cat, with aggresive body language and ignores you when you call it) or if it's trying to chase the cat, you will need to try the first method to get them to share their living space.

ΓΝΩΡΙΖΟΝΤΑΣ γατακια και κουταβια ΣΕ ΕΝΗΛΙΚΑ ΖΩΑ

If you introduce a kitten to a dog, keep in mind that kittens may not be afraid of dogs, so you should be very careful of the dog. Since kittens are small and want to run and play, a dog may be overexited by this action. Even if your dog is friendly with adult cats, it's important to watch it carefully around a kitten. If your dog is young and high energetic, it is possible to harm or even kill the kitten just by trying to play. So, for safety reasons, keep them separately when you are not supervising them.

The introduction of adult cats in puppies can sometimes be easy, as long as the (already social) adult cat may be okay with the erratic behavior of a puppy. However, if your playful puppy is chasing a shy cat, you need to prevent it. Until the puppy is big enough to have more self-control and has some kind of training, you need to manage their interactions. You do not want your puppy to learn that hunting the cat is a fun game. Pet or baby gates can be used to keep the animals separately with safety and comfort.

If a puppy and a kitten grow up together, it is almost certain that they will become very good friends.


New introductions done the right way, may take more time than expected. The introduction for some dogs and cats may take a few days or a few months. Your pets can play, ignore or just sit and watch each other. Don't force them to do something they don't want.

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