Pet Services

The pandemic COVID-19 has led us to a new era with extra security measures, so we can offer our services to those who need them. Keeping our customers and partners safe, is a priority for us. The care of pets is vital for our customers and we are committed to be there when they need us. The measures we have taken are analyzed below and we hope that soon we'll all return to normal.

General Security Policy
To help slow the spread of COVID-19 and the protection of our customers, we have developed a strategy that is based on the guidelines of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Health and Safety at Work.

Fully understanding the symptoms of COVID-19, all of our caregivers are required to regularly sef-test theirselves and when they run fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, body aches, chills, fatigue, or they just feel sick, inform our office and take the directive to stay at home until their health is restored. If one of them has to take care of your pet, we will notify you immediately and we will replace him.
Our caregivers are also encouraged to follow the precautions suggested by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, even if they just have a sick family member at home.

We maintain safety distances: Our caregivers maintain the safety distances every time you meet with a client or any other person associated with the by keeping at least 1.5 meters distance during all the meetings.

We use safety masks: Our caregivers are required to wear safety mask every time they meet with customers. We also encourage alternative ways of acquaintance, such as video conferencing when possible.

The process of cleaning and disinfection: In order to ensure a clean and safe environment when you return, we apply the following steps while we are at your home. All surfaces and equipment will be disinfected according to your suggestions. The caretaker will discuss in detail your wishes in the initial meeting. 
When our caregivers are in your home, they will often disinfect their hands with an an alcohol based hand-sanitizer , either with soap and water (hand sanitizers containing at least 60% -95% alcohol), during their arrival and before their departure. 

Cancellation policy: Although the cancellations affect us, we understand that due to the evolving and uncertain nature of our times, it is sometimes necessary and inevitable to cancel your trip at the last minute. Therefore, we will have more leniency with our policy for the next few months if you need to cancel due to complications from the pandemic of COVID-19.

Conference callAlthough our initial meeting is still required for all new customers, we don't demand that the meeting be conducted in person, on the contrary, we encourage the online meeting by any means you wish.

We are at your disposal to meet any special requests that you may have in order to keep your home clean and safe, so don't hesitate to contact us or to inform the caregiver directly on your first meeting. Thank you for your understanding and your patience as we go through this unique period! 


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